In Our Second Decade … Focused on the Cause.
Dr. Chris Jackson is board certified and licensed in Florida as a primary care Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), Acupuncture Physician (AP), and nationally registered as a naturopath, homeopath, and acupuncturist. Dr. Jackson’s credentials also include two Master’s degrees in Natural Medicine and Engineering, as well as two Bachelor’s degrees in Professional Health Sciences and Engineering.
El Dr. Chris Jackson está certificado por la junta y tiene licencia en Florida como médico de atención primaria en medicina oriental (DOM), médico de acupuntura (AP) y está registrado a nivel nacional como naturópata, homeópata y acupunturista. Las credenciales del Dr. Jackson también incluyen dos maestrías en medicina natural e ingeniería, así como dos licenciaturas en ciencias e ingeniería de la salud profesional.
Dr. Chris Jackson, PhD, DOM, AP
Our Mission: A Path to Wellness, located in St. Petersburg, Florida, is a primary care holistic medicine practice focused on the underlying Root cause. Focusing on health conditions using natural medicine, functional medicine, and integrative medicine. Under the direction of Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., D.O.M., AP (FL), we partner with our patients to address a wide range of chronic health concerns in children and adults. We include diagnostic testing using comprehensive bloodwork and other lab testing at a deeper level with more comprehensive analysis than most conventional approaches take. Labs doing our draws include Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, BayCare, MacDill AFB, and John's Hopkins/All Children's Hospital. We additionally perform testing using saliva testing, swabbing for viral and bacterial infections, telomere testing, genetic testing, hair analysis, and other methods.
We have helped many in the treatment of chronic (long-term) health issues, often not addressed adequately by other approaches. We get results by using approaches that are medically thorough and backed by research, while also natural and holistic..
Nuestra misión: un camino hacia el bienestar, ubicado en St. Petersburg, Florida, es una práctica de medicina holística de atención primaria centrada en la causa raíz subyacente. Centrándose en las condiciones de salud utilizando la medicina natural, la medicina funcional y la medicina integrativa. Bajo la dirección del Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., D.O.M., AP (FL), nos asociamos con nuestros pacientes para abordar una amplia gama de problemas de salud crónicos en niños y adultos. Incluimos pruebas de diagnóstico que utilizan análisis de sangre completos y otras pruebas de laboratorio a un nivel más profundo con un análisis más completo que el que toman la mayoría de los enfoques convencionales. Los laboratorios que realizan nuestros sorteos incluyen Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, BayCare, MacDill AFB y John's Hopkins/All Children's Hospital. Además, realizamos pruebas mediante pruebas de saliva, muestras de infecciones virales y bacterianas, pruebas de telómeros, pruebas genéticas, análisis de cabello y otros métodos.
Hemos ayudado a muchos en el tratamiento de problemas de salud crónicos (a largo plazo), a menudo no abordados adecuadamente por otros enfoques. Obtenemos resultados mediante el uso de enfoques que son médicamente completos y respaldados por la investigación, a la vez que naturales y holísticos.
a successful outcome ….
I was stricken with a debilitating health experience. Upon waking one fine Saturday morning. I found my hands mysteriously hurting to the point of not being able to hold my coffee cup. My whole body felt achy and I wanted to stretch to make it go away, but no amount of stretching or exercise was helping. As a matter of fact, exercise was making it worse. I did not know what was happening to me! The worst part of all of this was the fact that I could not work in my clay studio, because my hands had no strength to form the clay. I felt like an 80 year old in the body of a 52 year old!
This went on for two mouths getting progressively worse. Some days were better than others, but most days I could barely hold a cup or lift the coffee pot. Walking from one end of the house to the other was a chore. I thought it was some kind of virus and it would eventually go away on its own, but I was wrong! Finally I had enough and I decided to seek medical advice.
I did not want to go the traditional allopathic route. I did not want a doctor who was going to do a few blood tests and then give me a pill to treat my symptoms. I wanted a doctor that would consider the big picture. Someone who could help me put together my health puzzle and show me the way out without the use of prescription drugs. I wanted someone who could get to the root of what was happening. That's when I came across the website of Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., D.O.M. and his amazing office "A Path to Wellness",
From the beginning of my treatment in March of 2013, I felt that Dr. Jackson was a caring and compassionate man. He listened intently to all my concerns. The initial consultation took quite some time, after which he used his vast medical experience to order several blood tests that he felt would give us the answers we were looking for.
Well sure enough, he was right on the money. Although I was not happy to hear that I tested positive for Rheumatoid Arthritis with low vitamin D, it was a relief to finally know what was wrong. Dr. Jackson then prescribed a holistic regimen of fish oil, turmeric, and isotonic vitamin D, to name a few. He also suggested I give up gluten and dairy. He said my recovery would be slow, but it would happen. I believed him and I did as he suggested. Now here I am two years later (2015), pain free and working in my clay art studio full time. Thank you Dr. Jackson for all of your time and expertise in working with me through my bewildering health experience.
If you are seeking a doctor who will take the time to listen to you, who looks at the big picture, and who has a holistic approach to medicine, then Dr. Jackson is for you!
I highly recommend Dr. Christopher Jackson. He changed my life and he may be able to do the same for you.
“We are here to help you get on your path to wellness with an individualized treatment plan.”