Dr. Jackson. He truly knows his blood chemistry - in depth !Crista S.
What an intelligent man
Dr. Jackson who is located in St. Petersbug, FL has been an absolute life saver! After going through numerous other doctors, he was the first who took my medical concerns seriously and took action. After seeing him, my whole health, spirit, and body has changed for the absolute better! He always answers my questions directly and works to help with my insurance. THANK YOU! sTEVE
I recently consulted with Dr. Jackson regarding a hormone issue that I've dealt with since I was 13 years old. Not to go into too many details, but he was immensely helpful and this particular issue was fixed within a matter of three weeks of taking a natural supplement that he recommended. I'm not sure what the previous review was about, but if you are dealing with hormone issues, I highly recommend him! mIKE
Research backed Approach
60% percent of Adults have a Chronic condition, the majority of which are reversible or improvable.
Dr. Jackson
After practicing as a naturopathic consultant at a naturopathic infertility clinic in Australia as of 2005, Dr. Jackson studied with an additional 5 year program in natural medicine with emphasis on eastern medicines yet simultaneously strong on biomedicine. He has gone far beyond the educational requirements for practice to do additional doctoral work focused on understanding and researching the underlying causes of health conditions, both physiological and psychological. This background has given his practice, A Path to Wellness, a strong prominence in Florida.
Through his published articles and weekly radio show (Thursdays at 12 noon on WSPF-DB). Dr. Jackson is known worldwide in the primary care practice of natural medicine and wellness. His strong whole person (holistic) emphasis focuses on the underlying causes of a broad range of health conditions. His background is further enhanced by his professional associations with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM), the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine, and the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD).
In addition,
Dr. Jackson, a Holistic doctor in St. Petersburg (Tampa Bay), Florida, holds several graduate and undergraduate degrees and has completed additional advanced training at the Australasian College of Health Sciences (ACHS), the University of Texas at Dallas, and Florida College of Integrative Medicine (FCIM). He has undergraduate degrees from Saint Petersburg College (SPC), East West College of Natural Medicine (EWCNM), and the University of South Florida (USF), in Natural Sciences, Electrical Engineering, and Professional Health Sciences, along with advanced degrees from EWCNM and USF, in Engineering Management and Natural/Oriental Medicine.
Dr. Jackson is currently completing an additional Ph.D. specializing in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine with a focus on Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (PNEI) at Northcentral University (NCU). * Dr. Jackson is a nationally registered naturopath, acupuncturist, and homeopath (NPI Registry) practicing in Florida as a licensed primary care holistic physician (D.O.M./A.P.).