Our Society's Distorted Perception:
Women's Health Issues
Our Society's Distorted Perception: Women's Health Issues
In the United States the gathering of women's wisdom is almost entirely by hear-say. Throughout most of adolescence through middle age, women are told it is normal to experience all or some of the monthly issues. Into menopause it is still much the same. Aunt Sarah had really bad cramps, so it runs in the family, it is normal. Just take some Ibuprofen. Cousin Joanie gets really irritable around that time of the month, so it runs in the family, it is normal. Just avoid her. Her sister Amanda has really bad acne, especially around her period, so it runs in the family, it is normal. Isn't there a cream for that? Most women get bloated around that time of the month, so it is normal. Just accept it. Martha has heavy monthly visitors and has to miss work pretty often, so it is normal. Just get the Super Maxi nappies! Michelle gets really teary and cries during the commercials, so it is normal if you do too. NOT.
That's right, it is not normal to experience these conditions, although it is common. If any of these issues sound familiar, things can be better. Or if a woman is experiencing irregular cycles or a young woman of the menstruating years is not experiencing a period at all (amenorrhea), this is far from normal. This needs investigating. Too often women are told these situations are normal or that having a baby will bring everything into balance. Unfortunately, these issues may very well represent a condition that can impede fertility or lead to miscarriage if a woman is lucky enough to become pregnant under these circumstances.
Many of my patients are struck with disbelief when I tell them they do not have to live with the fear of monthly pain and discomfort. They can have much lighter times and make it to work. They can enjoy their partners and not worry about nasty confrontations over their own monthly behaviors. Moods can be more stable and life can be more enjoyable. So why are these monthly issues so prevalent in women? Putting it simply, hormonal imbalances. Women's hormones fluctuate throughout cycles that are approximately monthly. This timing provides appropriate time for development of follicles leading to production of an appropriately formed healthy ovum in ovulation and preparation of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized ovum (zygote) and the carrying of a baby.
So what can be done about these issues? The conventional approach is typically to put a woman on the pill or try to take over and subdue the normal function of a woman's hormones. Obviously, if the woman is trying to become pregnant this may be counterproductive. Aside from this, there are risks involved, including risk of blood clots, mood swings, even infertility and fetal death or malformations (Clomid). Natural approaches to hormone balancing work with a woman's hormones by stimulating the body's own production of hormones at appropriate levels to turn things around. Even if you are in menopause, it is not necessary to rely on hormone creams or pellets.
The depth of understanding required to successfully turn things around is not minimal, and no your gynecologist isnot likely to practice these approaches. This is far more in the realm of natural medicine. So if you are suffering with these issues, seek someone who is trained in natural hormone balancing. Forget the “wives' tales”. We can help bring your perceptions into the realm of a much nicer reality.
© March 2017 by Dr. Christopher Jackson, PhD, DOM